Research TEAM

Science is a collective effort.

Research project is interdisciplinary. So is our team. We have background in psychology, economy, international affairs, geography, mathematics and others.

This project is run by Macropsychology Lab team of the Institute of Psychology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. All members of our lab are contributing. For some members of our lab, ideal types of well-being are in the main research focus. For others, ideal types of well-being are an interesting side-topic.

Arek Wąsiel (PhD student)

Arek is a PhD Student at the Institute of Psychology, Polish Academy of Sciences. His interests cover social and cross-cultural psychology with the focus on perception of power and social hierarchy. He aims to expand knowledge on why societies differ in thinking about respect and authority, and how it connects with their desires for an ideal society. He is OK.

Ewa Palikot (PhD)

Ewa is a collaborator of the Macropsychology Lab. She accomplished her PhD in theoretical physics, but now she is mainly interested in statistical analysis. Ewa wants to develop tools for social sciences based on her programming skills and mathematical background. Passionate about polar regions.

June Yeung (PhD student)

June is currently a PhD student at the Institute of Psychology, Polish Academy of Sciences. She graduated with her MPhil degree in Psychology from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). Her research goal is to examine emotions and well-being with a balanced, culturally sensitive perspective. Her previous and current topics include the functions of and beliefs about emotions, emotions and well-being in cross-cultural contexts (find more at her research website). She is from Hong Kong, a city regarded as a hybrid of East and West, so do her mind and research. And she wants to go beyond.

Kuba Kryś (PhD) - Principal Investigator

Kuba is the Principal Investigator of the project. He is the head of the Macropsychology Lab. Associate professor at the Institute of Psychology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Large cross-cultural studies covering several dozen countries from all inhabited continents are his specialization. Cultural sensitivity applied to societal development and well-being is currently his main area of scientific interest. Kuba loves Japan. He lived in Kyoto and worked at the Kyoto University (as JSPS Fellow). His sensei was Yukiko Uchida.

Maciej Górski

Maciej is a research assistant in the Macropsychology Lab and a Master's student in the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Warsaw. He is mostly interested in political and cross-cultural psychology, currently trying to identify temporal and contextual factors shaping well-being priorities accross cultures. Spends his free time in nature.

Maria Kluzowicz

Maria is a research assistant in the Macropsychology Lab and a Master's student in the Faculty of Applied Psychology at Jagiellonian University. Her main interests are social and cross-cultural psychology. Currently working on trying to understand the role of important life events in well-being prioritization across cultures. Declared cat lover.

Mateusz Olechowski (PhD student)

Mateusz Olechowski. Ph.D. student at the Institute of Psychology, Polish Academy of Sciences. Previously researcher at University of Warsaw and visiting fellow at University of Padova and University of Delaware. Co-author of peer reviewed journal articles and book chapters on intergroup relations. Currently working on the relationship between folk theories of social change and different facets of well-being in a cross-cultural paradigm. Avid supporter of open science and popularization of science. Teaches psychology at an International Baccalaureate high school in Warsaw.